Wacky questions Park Rangers hear . . .

We couldn’t make these up.

At each park we’ve chatted with the wonderful park rangers, asking them what kinds of strange questions they hear. They’ve been very diplomatic with their answers to us, but also had some real gems to share. Honestly, for some of them it’s hard to know what to say! Kind of reminds us of a bumper sticker we once saw: Go outside. the graphics are amazing!

Almost every single western park: When do the mule deer turn into elk?


Dead Horse State Park, Utah: Can you see the Pacific Ocean from here?q1
Canyonlands National Park, Utah (at the canyon rim): Is that a green screen behind you?


Badlands National Park, South Dakota: Who paints the rocks?


Arches National Park, Utah: How long did all this take to build?


Dinosaur National Monument: Why aren’t you a Young Earth creationist?


2 thoughts on “Wacky questions Park Rangers hear . . .

  1. Julia Z

    Q: How long did all this take to build?
    A: Not sure, but hopefully the rocks were completed ahead of schedule and under budget!

  2. Kate Pocock

    I love the Who paints the rocks? question. I guess we could ask that about all the colours of nature including sunsets and blue oceans.


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